About us

Pohištvo Namestnik LogotipCompany Namestnik d.o.o. was founded in 2008 and is a continuation of the successful activity of a sole proprietor, Miroslav Namestnik, who founded it in 1999. It is a small family but nevertheless an ambitious company in the furniture manufacturing sector that seeks to become the best in its field.

The owner and director of the company Miroslav Namestnik continues his family tradition as his father and grandfather were also carpenters. He has already acquired over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in working with wood, mainly by making and assembling furniture and making wooden furniture products.

In 2016, the company Namestnik d.o.o. presented itself with a new integrated graphic design and a web site with which it wants to build even greater visibility on the market. In addition, the company invested in a new and modern production facility in the same year, but despite this, it operates positively, smoothly settles all its liabilities, and is completely debt-free. Thus, the company also acquired the Financial Reliability Certificate, which can be viewed on the right.

Company data:

NAMESTNIK, manufacture, trade and installation of furniture, d.o.o.

Bezena 57 A
2342 Ruše
Tel / Faks: +386 59 122 499
Mobile: +386 41 639 000
E-mail: info@namestnik.si
Web: www.namestnik.si
Company ID: 3300048000
Tax number: SI74160877


Where can you find us?

Namestnik d.o.o.

Bezena 57 A
2342 Ruše

Tel: (059) 122 499
Faks: (059) 122 499
GSM: (041) 639 000

E-pošta: info@namestnik.si
Splet: www.namestnik.si

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